Heavy rain has caused big floods in Kenya and Somalia. At least 40 people have died, and many have had to leave their homes. Somalia’s government is calling it an emergency, and they’re trying to help lots of people who are trapped.

Key Points:
- Lots of rain has caused dangerous floods in Kenya and Somalia.
- In Somalia, at least 25 people have died, and homes and roads are ruined.
- About 2,400 people are trapped by floods in a place called Luuq.
- In Kenya, 15 people have died, and farms and animals have been washed away.
- Somalia’s government and helpers are trying to rescue people and make them safe.
News: In the last few days, it rained so much in Kenya and Somalia that it caused floods. These floods have been very bad, and 40 people have died because of them. A huge number of people have had to grab their things and find a new place to stay because their homes are underwater.
Somalia is having a really tough time with the floods. The leaders there have said they need to do something fast because it’s an emergency. The floods have knocked down houses and broken the roads and bridges. Rescue workers are trying to reach people who can’t get out because the water is everywhere, especially in the Luuq area.
The United Nations, which is a group of countries working together, said that the rivers in Somalia might get even higher. They told everyone living by the rivers that they should move out. The people in Somalia who are in charge of helping in disasters are sending boats to help get everyone to a safe place.
Hassan Isse, the guy who’s in charge of disaster help in Somalia, is worried that the floods could get even worse soon. This is because there’s more water coming from the mountains in a nearby country called Ethiopia.
Somalia was already having a hard time because it hasn’t rained there in four years, and they almost ran out of food. Now, these new heavy rains are causing more problems.
Right next door, Kenya is also dealing with the floods. The Red Cross in Kenya said that since it started raining last Friday, 15 people have died. The rain has been really heavy in a big city called Mombasa and in two areas called Mandera and Wajir. The water has destroyed farms and killed lots of animals.
The people who predict the weather in Kenya had said there would be a lot of rain this year. But Kenya’s president, William Ruto, didn’t think it would be so bad. Now, there are also floods in a part of Ethiopia where a lot of Somali people live, and these floods are destroying houses and farms there, too.