A son died due to the negligence of doctors, donating liver to mother.

Umer Farooq Bajwa, the resident of Lahore, Pakistan, declared dead on Friday, at Shaikh Zayed Hospital. On the advise of doctors, he decided to donate liver to his mother, who was fighting for life because of her liver infection.
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It is said that this incident happened due to the carelessness of the doctors and the hospital. He was the student of Agronomy. Lost his life due to lack of care and a Son Dies Donating Liver To His Mother.
Umar was not fit as a donor for his mother, since, it was discovered after the surgery that he had Hepatitis E. Shaikh Zayed Hospital’s doctors declared Umar healthy enough to donate liver to his mother, without examining or proper tests, which later became the cause of his death.
A son died due to the negligence of doctors, donating liver to mother.
Following the critical condition of Umar after transplant which was only worsening, he was moved to ventilators. But, he lost the battle of life on Friday, after staying in this condition for a week.
Moreover, it does not end here, the family might end up losing another life in a row of Umar’s mother, Sarwat Sultana, due to doctors negligence, her condition is not stable either, because of her son’s Hepatitis infected liver transplanted to her successfully but created uncertainty later. (Son Dies Donating Liver To His Mother)