- Drug dealer memorized Quran as he Promised to Allah.
- He spent his life indulging in bad things.
- He prayed to Allah to help him and when he Dua was fulfilled he memorized the Quran.
A man who was having tattoos all over his body entered the Mosque and sat behind Imam who was leading the prayer. When people in the Mosque saw him they were surprised as he had tattoo everywhere on his body.
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After the Imam offered the salah he talked with the man and said that he has never seen him in the mosque before. The man said to Imam that he had recently shifted to the area and was coming from his work.
Imam started to ask more about him and the man revealed that he is from a Thai background. He said that his Uncle was involved in a crime.
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His mother tried to protect him but he had to join his uncle and his business. He got involved in all the bad things. He said that he had been to prison twice and when he was 23 years old he was arrested for the third time.
When he was in the Jail he thought that this has been the third time he is in Jail and thought that this is the end of his life, he felt helpless and often thought that this will be the end for him.
He did Sajdah in the cell. He said that he put his face on the ground almost 10 years later. He did Sajdah when he was with his mother in a Mosque.
After he did Sajdah he cried and asked for Allah’s help and repented for what he did. He asked Allah for another opportunity and said that he will change himself.
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He remembered that his mother wished him to become Hafidh of the Quran so he said to Allah that if he is able to get out of the jail he will memorize the Quran.
The next day he was released. He came to his mother and asked for money from her. He went to the bus stop and rode a bus to the Islamic center.
From there he went to Quran Memorization school. It took him 8 months to memorize the entire Quran. He is now married and helps his kids memorize Quran.